
供稿:管理与经济学院 戚淳 叶晨      摄影/编辑:新闻中心 斯君

    2009年5月4日,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院Arnold M. Howitt教授受邀到管理与经济学院进行访问,并在研究生楼102教室作题为“Leadership in Crises”的学术报告。校党委副书记侯光明热情接待了Howitt教授,对Howitt教授在北理工代表团访问哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院时给予的热情接待表示感谢,同时对他来校作报告表示热烈欢迎,双方互赠纪念品。



    在演讲进行的过程中, Howitt教授和我院师生进行了互动式的交流,不但回答了现场听众提出的问题,也听取了观众对危机管理的看法和建议。双方着重讨论了危机在不同地区、不同条件下的分级、危机的演进过程和对不同层次危机的管理体制。在演讲结束前, Howitt教授还号召广大与会的同学们将来献身危机管理事业,真正把学到手的知识应用到为祖国建立一套完整的危机应对体系上,用自己的学识和力量在危机来临的时候报效国家。

Prof. Arnold M. Howitt简历:

Arnold M. Howitt is Executive Director of the Roy and Lila Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation at HKS, with responsibility for its executive education and research programs. He also co-directs the Program on Emergency Preparedness, Crisis Management, and Disaster Recovery at the HKS Taubman Center for State and Local Government. As a faculty member, he chairs and/or teaches in a number of executive education programs for senior officials from both the US and other countries; and he serves as an HKS ombudsperson.
Dr. Howitt's research focuses on public management and intergovernmental policy implementation, including crisis management/emergency preparedness and transportation policy. He has conducted research or consulted for public agencies at the federal, state, and local levels, as well as lecturing widely on these subjects. A member of the World Economic Forums Global Agenda Council on Natural Disasters, he has served on a number of national and state advisory panels.
Dr. Howitt is the author of Managing Federalism: Studies in Intergovernmental Relations, and is co-author and co-editor of Managing Crises: Responses to Large-Scale Emergencies; Countering Terrorism: Dimensions of Preparedness; and Perspectives on Management Capacity Building. He was Executive Director of the Taubman Center for State and Local Government prior to joining the Ash Institute. He received his BA from Columbia University and MA and PhD in political science from Harvard University.
